Friday, September 26, 2008

Thing 5

Although I have been signed up on Google Reader for some time now, the required feeds for class really contained some fantastic reads. The Students 2.0 blog give me so many great quotations for the upcoming Web 2.0 presentations. :)

I love this: Innovate or Die. The succinct, yet poignant style really struck me.

K12 Learning 2.0 Course Response

* What do you notice about the genre of blog writing in general? Blogging is very personal, and conversational in tone. The information almost always feels more real than other media formats.

* (How) is blog reading different from other types of reading? How is it similar? It's not so linear, and it's more interactive; however, most of the bloggers in this space do at least conform to most of the standard writing conventions, etc., so the reading feels familiar. :)

* How does commenting contribute to the writing and meaning-making? The ability to comment and respond is where we help create the content and become actively engaged with it. I think the ability to do so can encourage readers to read more carefully.

* Is there a "blogging literacy?" How does blogging affect the way we read and write? Not all blogs are worth reading, so we must be selective and critical in our reading styles in the blogosphere.

* (How) can blogging facilitate learning? The Math blog (scribe) page that we reviewed is a beautiful example of how user-created web pages can really encourage active learning. The expectation here is that each student will summarize a unit of learning for the rest of the class in the class blog, which puts an intense responsibility to not only engage with the topic, but to digest and regurgitate it. Beautiful.